How to Polish Correctly and Prevent Swirl Marks

How to Polish Correctly and Prevent Swirl Marks

  With so many polishing methods out there I thought it would be beneficial to illustrate the difference between a good and bad polishing method. Using a scrap door I have isolated each area in the picture below to show how each step progresses.   This is done using the 3M (foam) polishing system. Even…

Reviving a Faded Car Finish with Polishing

Reviving a Faded Car Finish with Polishing

Over time, a car’s finish can become dull and faded due to exposure to the sun and other elements. However, polishing the clear coat can restore the shine and give your car a freshly painted look. To get started, you’ll need some sandpaper (1500-2000 grit) if you need to remove scratches, as well as a…