Walcom HTE Paint Guns (Review): A Carbon Fiber Solution for Improved Application

Walcom HTE Paint Guns (Review): A Carbon Fiber Solution for Improved Application

Walcom, an Italian company, has gained recognition in the North American market for their innovative paint guns. Their HTE series, including the HVP, GEO, HTE BASE, and HTE Clearcoat guns, are made with a carbon fiber body and forged aluminum inner structure. These guns are designed to work with the Walcom Thermodry Heating system, which…

Choosing the Right Paint Gun for Your Needs: A Guide
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Choosing the Right Paint Gun for Your Needs: A Guide

As a painter, paint representative, and paint enthusiast, one of the most common questions I receive is about the best paint gun or which one someone should get. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, it’s important to understand the various spraying options available and how they might suit your needs. Before we dive into the…