1.4 for Clear Worth Buying over current 1.3?

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  • January 31, 2010 at 7:26 am #19141

    Now that I am getting a hold on my contamination issues, I can actually start to get the hang of my LPH400.

    I am kicking myself now for getting the 1.3, but my question is, should I get the 1.4 tip ($90) over my current 1.3. With the 1.4, am I going to expect totally better results (is it worth it) or should I be able to spray just fine with the 1.3?

    Being a self taught through experience and through everyone on the forum, I really value what everyone has to say. :cheer:

    January 31, 2010 at 7:34 am #19142

    I have both. I like the 1.3 better for clear.

    January 31, 2010 at 8:28 am #19143

    There is no point in getting the 1.4. All you do is small parts right? I have both and for smaller parts I would rather have the 1.3. It will give you better control.

    Now if you were spraying large jobs or all overs a 1.4 might be nice, but it depends on the clear though. Some clears don’t do well with a 1.4 as some don’t do well with a 1.3. For small parts or the occasional bumper or fender you are fine with the 1.3.

    Hell I might have a spare 1.4 nozzle at work I will let go. I will look on Monday if you want. I don’t ever really use my LPH’s that much anymore. Kinda fond of the W-400.

    January 31, 2010 at 8:32 am #19144


    Let me know if you have one and I will glady take it off you.

    I am using SPI clear and it does say to use a 1.4 tip, not sure how much it matter, since as you stated, i do the small stuff.

    January 31, 2010 at 8:51 am #19145

    I have both nozzles too. I like the 1.4 better but I can get the 1.3 to work well. I just have to slow down just a bit. you will be fine with the 1.3 but if you can pick up the 1.4 from Ryan for a good price it would be worth it. Variety is always good. 😉

    January 31, 2010 at 11:56 am #19146

    Yeah, I’d agree with the comments above. Having a 1.4 as an alternative would be handy, but for the stuff you’re doing I would stick to the 1.3.

    Yes a 1.4 may save you a bit of time as it’ll apply faster (about 18% greater material flow rate), but on items that size you’ll only be talking about saving a few seconds. You’ll lose much more than that if you get a run with the extra material 😉

    January 31, 2010 at 6:05 pm #19148

    I like the 1.4 for clear. I think it has a lot to do with your products also, my glasurit clears seem thicker and I don’t really like squeezing them through the 1.3. For me it was night and day difference with the Iwata W400 switching to the 1.4. All guns are a bit different too, like the Sata RP seems to put on as much with a 1.2 or 1.3 as my Iwata with a 1.4, I don’t know what everyone else is spraying here.

    Bigger jobs is where I noticed the difference, small panels the 1.3 was fine.

    February 1, 2010 at 6:55 am #19155

    Thanks for the comments guys. I suppose if Ryan has the tip laying around, then i can pick it up! Won’t hurt to have =)

    Let me know ryan when you get to work.

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