77 Ford F150 4×4, needs love

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  • June 1, 2010 at 3:42 am #21686

    I scored this truck for next to nothing, and the motor was rebuilt not that long ago. it’s a good running truck. I had to rebuild a front hub – all the way down to the spindle – but everything else is good….

    ….except the body is rotting off…… that’s why I’m here. I’m going to replace the bed and 1 door, everything else is fixable. The problem I’m up against is the simple fact that I live in Alaska, and shipping a bed up here isn’t cheap. I have a line on one, but until then I ghetto patched it…. I’m expecting the heat…


    I used urethane pour foam to fill the holes with a tagboard dam, then sanded it down and glassed it. I’m sure it will fall off within the year, but I’m only hoping to have to wait until the winter before I get the new parts.


    I epoxied the hood last night, after a couple hours of grinding down the previous CRAP paint job. I see the bone heads doing the old paint job used a threaded stud puller. They should rot in hell.


    I’ll sand down those spots and weld in the holes and pull the dent out a little further before I bondo it this time.

    Next up – I need to paint the wheels, and get the new windshield ready, and locate a new back window. I hope to have the whole thing at least into epoxy in the next couple weeks

    June 1, 2010 at 5:30 am #21688

    Why not just buy the patch panels for the bed you already have? Can’t imagine them being too expensive to ship.

    June 1, 2010 at 10:09 am #21691

    The main thing stopping me is I’d have to buy a welder. I’m tempted to get the panels and do a bunch of practice runs with the torch – gas welding is a skill I’d like to develop

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