Avoid the Cartel having “Relations” with you

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  • April 4, 2008 at 11:59 am #10090

    Just got Shelter inside people to realize that Feather Prime and Block is a real operation. Advised them of a couple basic facts–

    1. Gold metaqllic will look like crap shot directly over raw bondo and 150 cut-back original finish.

    2. Osha saye we can no longer spray ANYTHING out side of a controlled refinish/ventilation area anymore… ie. prep or paint booth… This relates to the fact that this is painter’s work, a not metalman’s job, so here is the materials bill too..

    All was paid as billed. Never had to get loud or nasty, just here is is folksy’s. This is how we have to go about such, irregardless of your ‘guidelines’ of which are of no concern to me as mine are what this car is being repaired to.

    Of course, you can also explain to your insured why you are unwilling to properly repair his vehicle too.

    My customer is my vehicle owner, not the Cartel…

    March 14, 2010 at 1:50 am #20065

    So dont get me wrong here guys I know what side im on but I just wonder how taking a firm stance with the ins companys is working for some…. I just wonder how many jobs that are close to a total loss you get to fix and how many jobs get steered away due to this type of stand??? I have found it better to work with the adjuster who is just out at my shops doing his job trying to keep his *** out of the fire.. with that they seem to always try and match my bottom line on my sheets and will always trust me and let me fix that border line total if the customer wants there car saved…I also get alot of off the record jobs sent to my shop because I will work with people when others will not….I think we all just need to remember its just a job and 5;00 friday dont come soon enough!!!!

    March 14, 2010 at 3:04 am #20067

    We try and work with the insurance company and customer together. The repair is still typically performed the same way regardless of what we are paid. We are DRP with a few but even before that for the most part we got along with the adjusters and they`d give us a fair estimate. Every market is different and I doubt that would work for all, to each his own. We try and write our sheets as a competetive quote just like a customer pay job, don`t pad them but get paid fairly.

    I agree with what your saying by the way paintchip, for us it`s just never been worth the fight….or the shop getting blackballed by every insurance company. I`m glad to hear they paid you anyhow.

    March 14, 2010 at 3:34 am #20071

    I gotta agree with HCC/WCC. It’s a relation ship and like any relationship requires 80/20 …. my adjusters generally also attempt to meet my bottom line.

    I’ve looked at the prime and block as well as the cut and buff (and every job gets it) , but prefer at this time to give it away for free. :whistle: but bring in a new economy , and I may be forced to , dullen me pencil. 😉

    p.s. try not to bite the hand that feeds you :pcorn:

    March 14, 2010 at 3:55 am #20072

    There are shops up here that will file a small claims case to collect the labor rate differnce.. I could never ask my customer to come into court with me to try and get 100 buxx a hr they have already been through enough and dont want any more of a hassle… just crazy if you ask me…

    March 14, 2010 at 4:42 am #20075

    I also get my suppliments after repair with little to no contest. You must ask for what you deserve but no doubt if you ask for that to which you are not entitled then you become the problem.

    As I’ve said before thats why we’re here … to communicate and resolve issues just like this and to get on the “same page”. :pcorn:

    the futures so bright I gotta wear shades B) and the past so dark I can’t see it in the mirror :pcorn:

    March 14, 2010 at 8:56 am #20079

    You have to walk a fine line with the adjusters. I feel that you should always get paid to prime. Its not included in the refinsh! It cant be. Do you really think they would pay for it on every job even if the pannel doesnt need it? I dont think so! Every estimate would be manually changed to compensate for it. So every job that gets primed and you dont bill for it is a loss in materials. You most certanly cant bite the hand that feeds you but too many shops fear getting drop kicked by the insurance companys and they know it! They have been slowly taking advantage of shops for years due to fear! These conpanys are at our shops because their customer had an accident that they are paying for. The insurance company wants to spend as little as possible to get the repair done. On one hand they do bring us work but on the other hand they are wanting it cheaper and cheaper, faster and faster all the time. 😛 Think about this… If Progessive could save .5 hour refinsh on every car that has a claim on it, over the couse of a year will add up to some major savings! The next year they will try to save 1 hour. And it goes on and on and we do nothing about it because of fear of getting dropped.

    March 14, 2010 at 9:06 am #20080

    hmmmm seems like all we care about is the bottom line,,,,,, funny if ya catch my drift :teach

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