Blend Time for Hoods?

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  • May 20, 2010 at 8:25 pm #21385

    Just wondering if you guys are getting blend time for hoods when the fender either gets replaced of body worked up to the edge?

    I have been seeing more and more with no blend on hoods, even when it gets a new fender.

    May 20, 2010 at 8:47 pm #21386

    should be 50% of refinish time

    May 20, 2010 at 8:48 pm #21387

    When needed yes. I will usually check my variants first and possibly make a sprayout. I can always get it if needed.

    Most insurance companies won’t put it on the original estimate, but they don’t question it if you supplement it.

    May 23, 2010 at 7:14 am #21513

    Well, the problem I have is that I used to get paid to blend a hood on every job. Latley its not happening. Sometimes I get lucky and it matches, other times its off a little and the adjusters are saying that the only way they will pay to blend is if the customer complains about a miss match. By this time they are mad at the shop, not the insurance company! Its a loose loose for me as a painter and the shop.

    May 23, 2010 at 4:35 pm #21520

    Only really two options then. Make a sprayout when the car comes in. If it matches go on without it. If it doesn’t let your boss and the adjuster know. If it is a clear mis-match they shouldn’t have a problem paying for it, or at least tint time.

    It should be on your manager. If we have a mis-match that needs blending we don’t give them the option of not paying for it. You just have to tell them you have to have blend time. An adjuster will almost always give you some tint time.

    Alot of times if I only get paid tint time on a front cover I will take the hour they paid me and just blend the fenders. I know I’m loosing, but it is still quicker for me on certain colors.

    I once read about a study where people today are less likely to tell you if they are unhappy with a repair. There is a better chance they will just not come back and tell there friends not to go there. Most people now don’t want to deal with the confrentation.

    May 23, 2010 at 4:52 pm #21521

    Something that has helped me, I have made an effort to get better at tinting. It is a weak point of mine, mainly because I hate it and I am not that good at it. I have been making an effort at getting better. On colors where I will have to tint, I take my time and understand what I’m doing and trying to learn it rather than just get it done. It seems to be getting easier and is taking me less time to get a color where I need it.

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