colorbuild plus fisheye problem

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  • December 14, 2010 at 7:45 am #26186

    have a weird problem with the sikkens colorbuild plus250 primer, sometimes no matter how well i dewax/degrease the panel im about to prime, when I put my first coat on fairly wet, it seems to fisheye sometimes. regardless if i prime in the booth or not, or weather or not i use etch primer.
    anyone else on sikkens having this problem at all?

    December 14, 2010 at 9:38 am #26189

    no i try to stay away from those silver spoon products my self … BASF :rock

    December 14, 2010 at 3:46 pm #26190

    [quote=”Stone” post=16201]no i try to stay away from those silver spoon products my self … BASF :rock[/quote]

    WOW, very informative post Stone :rofl

    December 14, 2010 at 3:54 pm #26191

    I use colorbuild plus, not the low voc 250 version. I don’t have any issues with it but one thing to remember, low voc products seem to be more prone to being affected by contaminates. I’m guessing since there is less solvent in them is why.

    Some things to look out for would be make sure you are completely wiping your degreaser off. Let the panel sit for a few minutes after degreasing and lightly blow over the surface before spraying. Also on the first coat don’t hammer it, just get a light coat on first. I like doing them this way because if any of the substrates that are in the featheredge are sensitive it will keep the primer from swelling them as much.

    Another thing I thought of is I like cleaning the area I’m working on before any sanding. This way if there are any contaminates on the paint you are not just sanding them into it. I will clean with glass cleaner and solvent cleaner real quick before I start. Some sealants people use on their cars these days are pretty durable, I like to try and remove anything from the surface I can.

    If none of this works don’t forget to look into the air system and stuff like the rags used in wiping things down.

    December 15, 2010 at 2:24 am #26208

    thanks for the help, havent had any problems today when putting on first coat lighter.
    wish the shop was still on colorbuild plus, rather than the 250, i liked it much better, and as you said it seemed to be much less sensitive, didnt seem to be as orangy as the 250, and sanded much nicer imo,

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