Getting Fish Eyes Constantly now due to Neighbor

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  • September 26, 2013 at 8:06 pm #44640

    We have been in business for 4 years now. We have new next door neighbors, a CAJUN Restaurant. That means they are frying food ALL day long. We have been having problems with our paint jobs fish eyeing ever since they opened up. We put a dry filter outside of the air compressor and we do not want to constantly use Fish Eye Corrector.

    My husband gets here early in the am to start painting and of course it is much better before they get rolling at 10am, but we can not just paint between the hours of 6am-10am.

    I think a down draft booth would help, but we can not afford it right now.

    Any suggestions or thoughts to keep my hubby sane!

    September 26, 2013 at 10:10 pm #44642

    That’s a tough position to be in.
    A down draft still takes in outside air.

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