Interesting repair…

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  • December 9, 2010 at 9:39 pm #26052

    There is another site that I am an admin on…came across a post the other day where a guy is trying to repair a Bronco II at home. He cut the rad support out and intends on splicing in a new one just as seen in the pic. As far as the frame goes I don’t know what his intention is. He obviously cut everything before doing an initial pull. I made some suggestions and eventually said (nicely) that he should consider taking it to a good frame shop. Not exactly what I would recommend for a novice (BTW, I am not trying to poke fun at him, only educate him into a wise/safe choice).

    Have a look at this pic and tell me what you guys think…


    December 10, 2010 at 1:22 am #26053

    I have a buddy, and former roommate, who has a nasty old bronco II. the rear 3′ of frame rusted right off…. so he got some 11 gauge sheet metal bent in the shape of the frame tube, and welded it all back up… no big deal. :rofl

    I can’t even imagine taking on a frame job at home… not my idea of fun even with the proper equipment.

    December 10, 2010 at 1:44 am #26054

    I guess it will just be interesting to try and do distance measure to get that whole situation straight…measurement would have been easier with the radiator support still attached, then there would be some holes up top to do cross measurements with and also check level. Oh well, I wouldn’t want to try and do that without a frame rack.

    December 10, 2010 at 2:05 am #26055

    [quote=”TheDoctor” post=16068]I guess it will just be interesting to try and do distance measure to get that whole situation straight…measurement would have been easier with the radiator support still attached, then there would be some holes up top to do cross measurements with and also check level. Oh well, I wouldn’t want to try and do that without a frame rack.[/quote]

    Exactly. That thing will need a good pull and some heat. However, I am sure that left rail could be pretty weak (work hardened) if not done extremely carefully.

    December 10, 2010 at 5:53 am #26059

    damn … everything should be pulled/pushed before hacking/cutting pieces off …. the dead pieces one cuts off are the perfect thing to pull on ….. REVERSE THE DAMAGE :stoned

    December 10, 2010 at 2:04 pm #26063

    I was told that here in california its against the law to splice a frame rail. Ben in my opinion to repair the bronco that truck needs to be put on a frame rack and measured to make iit square and leval.

    December 10, 2010 at 5:50 pm #26064

    [quote=”bodymanhelper” post=16077]I was told that here in california its against the law to splice a frame rail. Ben in my opinion to repair the bronco that truck needs to be put on a frame rack and measured to make iit square and leval.[/quote]

    The truck should have been pulled first (frame then body). Then it should have been determined how to repair the rest of the job. The rail might be able to be straightened with a properly positioned pull and some heat. If that didn’t work, then that rail should be heated as hot as possible to be pulled back as close as possible, then sectioned (spliced).

    There is nothing wrong with splicing a frame rail if it is done correctly. I don’t know anything about California, but I would have a hard time believing it is illegal to do so there. Especially since many ,manufacturers recommend splicing the front section of rails. Again, it is a matter of using the correct parts, equipment and techniques.

    December 10, 2010 at 6:58 pm #26065

    swap another frame for it., those rails are bent way too sharp and it will never go back to being 100%. youll find plenty for cheap. i bet you can even find the entire truck for a couple hundred

    December 10, 2010 at 7:17 pm #26066

    Just put the whole thing in the crusher…its a bronco II…lol

    December 10, 2010 at 8:25 pm #26067

    getting those frame horns back aint all that hard but id be willing ta bet the one rail is drove back an has a bit of a sag in it so after a guy corrects the end ur gonna have ta pull the diamond out an level the sag out really not that bad of a job but it looks ta me that this guy is just a lil outta his league on this gem :wak :wak :wak :wak i get jobs like this quite often an charge about 500$ ta pull em an figure that give me time ta spend the day with em an most the time im done by noon…no foolin

    December 10, 2010 at 8:53 pm #26068

    [quote=”bondomerchant” post=16081]getting those frame horns back aint all that hard but id be willing ta bet the one rail is drove back an has a bit of a sag in it so after a guy corrects the end ur gonna have ta pull the diamond out an level the sag out really not that bad of a job but it looks ta me that this guy is just a lil outta his league on this gem :wak :wak :wak :wak i get jobs like this quite often an charge about 500$ ta pull em an figure that give me time ta spend the day with em an most the time im done by noon…no foolin[/quote]

    Exactly. It isn’t all that bad of a job…if you know what you are doing and have the equipment.

    December 10, 2010 at 9:12 pm #26069

    [quote=”Ben” post=16082][quote=”bondomerchant” post=16081]getting those frame horns back aint all that hard but id be willing ta bet the one rail is drove back an has a bit of a sag in it so after a guy corrects the end ur gonna have ta pull the diamond out an level the sag out really not that bad of a job but it looks ta me that this guy is just a lil outta his league on this gem :wak :wak :wak :wak i get jobs like this quite often an charge about 500$ ta pull em an figure that give me time ta spend the day with em an most the time im done by noon…no foolin[/quote]

    Exactly. It isn’t all that bad of a job…if you know what you are doing and have the equipment.[/quote]
    I could make a mess out of it :blush:

    December 10, 2010 at 10:00 pm #26070

    [quote=”Whitesnake” post=16080]Just put the whole thing in the crusher…its a bronco II…lol[/quote]

    I concur snake :kofee

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