Neat Desk Digital organizer…

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  • July 19, 2010 at 11:33 pm #22987

    Check this out:

    This sounds perfect.

    July 20, 2010 at 1:22 am #22996

    then do you throw out those pictures the 3 year old was so proud to make once its scanned :unsure:

    July 20, 2010 at 1:34 am #22998

    But the final cost is around 400 dollars for the larger unit, 200 for the smaller.. (Through that program, little less in stores)
    It’s simply a self feeding scanner with useful software. That’s all.

    There are plenty of sheet feed scanners out there for less. (typically in the 250 range some as low as 120 bucks)
    And their scanners aren’t specifically powerful at only 600 dpi.
    There are some 1600 DPI scanners for a lot less. (Higher dots per inch = better scan quality)
    Some 4000 dpi scanners can even be gotten for around their 400 dollar range.
    Although for general text you don’t technically need over 300 dpi.
    And the 600 dpi would be more than plenty. When scanning images and what not you’ll benefit from higher dpi.

    And there are more than a few software options out there that does just that.

    Basically all you got there is good advertising.
    None of this is anything new or particularly a good value.

    And another problem I’ve heard is they try to make it so the scanner only works via their software. So that they can charge you for updates later. And also at the same time if your scanner goes bad you can only use their scanner with their software so you’ll have to replace it with their specific models.

    Where as any other sheet scanner is simply that a scanner and you can use whatever software supports the drivers.

    So in my opinion although the overall package is good. I’m not remotely impressed with the price tag they put on it. Or their way of advertising it as something “new”

    July 20, 2010 at 3:31 am #23009

    more choices…

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