Paint Prep Systems

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    December 16, 2013 at 5:06 am #45681

    I haven’t had a chance to try out the Norton cups since being relaunched, I’ve been fairly sheltered in using 3M PPS exclusively. The Sata design looks impressive with the choke on the bottom, wondering what others are using and find the trade-offs to be? Costs too.


    December 16, 2013 at 5:23 am #45682

    Not a fan of the new norton ones. Good idea poor execution. The design of the adapters and the length of the spout going to the gun restricts the flow of paint and when you get down to about 1/4 or 1/3 full, you don’t get enough paint flowing. Been using the sata rps cups and besides forgetting to open or close the vent at the appropriate times, they haven’t given any issue. I still do use the 3m pps when spraying odd stuff that requires the gun being upside down.

    December 16, 2013 at 5:37 am #45683

    I’ve been doing testing on a 3rd generation Norton cup. Just a revised lid that still uses the valve/spring set up but seals alot better than the current ones. Sata is my choice but they are a bit pricey when compared to others. Devilbiss also has a new version called the gunner cup. I never cared for the Dekups system

    December 16, 2013 at 5:55 am #45684

    Im still using the old Norton liner system, the one 3M sued them over, my jobber managed to stockpile as many as they could find, I like them because they are Cheap and fairly easy to use and they also fit on the 3m Accuspray primer gun. When they are all gone I will probably start using the Devilbiss dekup system manly because of cost, I cant really justify spending big money on 3M or Sata, even though they are Good.

    December 16, 2013 at 6:50 am #45685

    I’m still using the 3m system. They run me about $100 a box of the 16000. I’ve tried the dekups, sata, newer norton ones. Still resort back to the 3m. I found the newer norton ones to be much like ding described. I like the sata ones but with doing these restos I am always spaying at some sort of odd angle while getting every edge and up underneath the car.

    It’s a little pricey but the 3m still is the best option for me. The dekups aren’t bad though.

    December 16, 2013 at 5:52 pm #45689

    Cost wise the Sata and the 3M are about the same. the New nortons were only slightly less expensive. never really checked out the devilbiss ones

    December 17, 2013 at 3:22 am #45691

    I’ve used the 3M and SATA. I do think I like the SATA a little better.

    However, back around June or so I switched to the new Devilbiss Gunner cups. I’ve demoed the DeKups and the Gunner ones are infinitely superior. Pricing wise the 2 Devilbiss systems are the same (at least in our area). The Gunner cups are easy to use, and remind me of the SATA, bit with 2 main differences. There are no threads on the lid (very tite and well sealed snap fit) and the vent is in the lid (upside down). Because the vent is in the lid, there is a tube on the lid and it has to be bled before spraying (kinda like the 3M). Like all of these disposable cups it is unique in its own way and needs to be used as directed.

    I really like the Gunner cups, but do think the SATA may be just a little better, but here we paid 18% less for the Devilbiss. For anyone interested in a quality product at a more competitive price than 3M or SATA I highly recommend doing a demo with the Gunner cups.

    December 18, 2013 at 5:35 pm #45696

    Sata here , mostly because my spupplier didnĀ“t sell the 3M at the time , tried the 3M ones once , managed to get everything under paint with the friggin liner not sitting properly while trying to mix a 2K with some thinner to make a fade-out………. :blush: , i stay with the Sata stuf!!!

    January 19, 2014 at 5:23 am #45783

    This may seem like a newb question, but are these systems really that much faster than the simple rinsing of the aluminum cup three times and hanging her up? Of course its more expensive, but where is the real benefit in these cup systems? I see a lot of big shops using them but have never tried them myself. I own my shop and we do 10-15 jobs a week. I like new and the idea of working smarter not harder but I haven’t been able to convince myself of the significant advantage of these cup systems. I mean after all you still have to clean the gun itself.

    Thanks in advance

    January 19, 2014 at 6:00 am #45784

    [quote=”*BBB*” post=34360]This may seem like a newb question, but are these systems really that much faster than the simple rinsing of the aluminum cup three times and hanging her up? Of course its more expensive, but where is the real benefit in these cup systems? I see a lot of big shops using them but have never tried them myself. I own my shop and we do 10-15 jobs a week. I like new and the idea of working smarter not harder but I haven’t been able to convince myself of the significant advantage of these cup systems. I mean after all you still have to clean the gun itself.

    Thanks in advance[/quote]
    ya know i sorta agree with ya we have just started using the sata cups an ya there nice in some ways but lets be honest i never had any problems using the aluminum cups either didnt care for the 3m system much but its handy if ya gotta shoot upside down but how often ya need that anyway the biggest thing i like with the sata cups is the fact ya can mix an store your base in em but thats about it…im still a lil on the line with em…wouldnt mind getting some smaller aluminum pots for bumper covers an spot repairs though :teach

    January 19, 2014 at 6:09 am #45786

    How much are the cups? Im currently getting nice PPG cups for .25 each. I also store the leftover paint in them if I have enough which you need the lid for at .15 each..

    January 19, 2014 at 6:13 am #45788

    i think we bought a case of 75 sata cups lids an strainers for around 90$ could be a lil more cant remember for sure

    January 19, 2014 at 8:52 pm #45789

    I just noticed a question earlier about what the real time saver/advantage is.

    These cups are somewhat expensive compared to using your aluminum cup and cleaning it. However, for those of us with waterborne base, we aren’t suppose to use aluminum cups (plastic only). And keeping a plastic cup clean and in good condition is much harder than an aluminum cup in my opinion. So for basecoat, the disposable cups are really handy. Then you only have to clean the waterbourne base out of the gun body too.

    I know many shops use the aluminum cups for sealer, clear etc, then puny use the disposable ones for base.

    January 19, 2014 at 10:18 pm #45792

    I am using the Devilbiss bags/liners for sealer and primer and the 3m cups for base and clear.

    January 20, 2014 at 4:32 am #45793

    Tried the Norton for about a month, then went back to 3M.

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