Posting Video ( vs youtube)

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  • March 13, 2009 at 9:12 pm #13308

    First of all, I’m loving all the video being posted these days. Many people are enjoying them. I just wanted to bring this to other peoples attention, theirs a youtube alternative that may be better for what your doing. The website is [url]

    The main advantage to this site is that you can post video’s longer then 10 minutes where youtube you cannot. I also find the quality to be better. If your able to post on youtube this shouldn’t be much different for you. To post a video on the site you need to put the tags together like this:

    pretend this is your video link:[b]

    take the end off of it “1d245f” and insert it between the following tag’s.

    [b]{blip] {/blip][/b]

    so it would look like this

    Please note that you must use these brackets in your real posts [b]{ }

    I could not use them in the example because it would think I was posting a video and you wouldn’t see them. any problems let me know. If you want to continue using youtube thats fine too.

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