RN Social Media / Site Contributors
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- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 11 months ago by Chris.
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- AnonymousMarch 4, 2015 at 6:24 am #48408
For anyone that has followed the site here over the past 5 or so years or so, I’m sure you’ve noticed some gaps in attention. The last few years, in particular, have been somewhat difficult to find time to grow the site and create content, so thank you to all of the regular forum contributors here that continue to assist our newcomers. Also a big thanks to the mods that have been cleaning up after the spambots.
Moving forward I am hoping to bring some diversity to both our facebook page and youtube channel, so I wanted to take a moment to invite anyone interested in helping out to contact me. You can reply here, PM, or message our facebook page. Here is what I have in mind:
[b]Facebook Page [/b] – I would like to have a few more administrator’s added that would be willing to post a picture or two / week, just everyday shop pictures that might spark a discussion or generate interest. The odd picture of cool car you’re painting in the booth would be great as well. You could simply take a mobile shot, post it to the page quite easily, and add a quick caption.
[b]Youtube / Videos[/b] – I would like to expand our youtube channel to feature work by other people. This could be done a number of ways, the simplest would be providing me with some footage/information on the job and I could add the social commentary to it. Whether you’re a veteran with some wild work to showcase or someone new looking for constructive criticism, I’m sure we could come up with something. I’ve learned quite a bit from the criticism I’ve had to face over the years lol. Whatever you might have in mind I am always open to suggestion.
[b]RN Website[/b] – Anyone with web design experience that thinks they might be able to bring something to the site is always welcome to contact me. The site could definitely benefit from some new articles / content, simply keeping the forum active does go a long way to encourage new sign ups and continued participation.
So if you think you can help in any capacity, please let me know. I welcome any input, thanks again and happy spraying!
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