Site Update

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    November 24, 2013 at 10:43 pm #45499

    Hey Everyone,

    I was recently told by my service provider that the site was under relentless attack from spam scripts and increased traffic causing chaos to the point if I didn’t make some changes they would simply suspend us. So this stuff is always difficult, every time one update is made something else is incompatible so I figured it would be best to do it all now and try and restore it as close to the original layout as possible. I’m still working and making some tweaks but thought I’d flip the switch back on so users can access the site again.

    Some notable changes:

    The home page is two column now with the shoutbox on the bottom right, it’s a slightly different style so try it out and I’ll can make changes along the way. The old shoutbox script is incompatible right now, if and when the developer updates it is when I can go back to that design.

    Mobile optimized! The old design discouraged a lot of mobile users, the trend increases every year and I knew this was long overdue. It’s a responsive design that works really well on smaller devices, this was one of the reasons restoring the original design was difficult.

    Community Software & Forum update to newest software. I’m sure there is new features, I don’t know what they all are yet. I am still working to restore the colors and I see some issues with the navigation.

    So I’m still working to restore things, but back to a point where you can use the site. If your having login problems email me at provide input here, I know I always get complaints when I change things but my hands were tied on this one! Thanks all!

    November 24, 2013 at 11:24 pm #45500

    so far it seems sorta nice to me

    November 26, 2013 at 8:50 am #45522

    Just a quick note if anyone’s trying to register its not working properly and I’m waiting for tech support to fix it, however you can still register via facebook connect on the register screen.

    November 26, 2013 at 11:04 am #45523

    Or just threaten Jimmo to go over to AB101. That worked for me, 2 minutes after I could log on again! 😛

    November 26, 2013 at 11:29 pm #45529

    Ha, ya we can’t have that!

    November 28, 2013 at 4:43 am #45537

    For some reason I cant access the site now on my home connection. Even tried on my phone through WiFi and no dice. Turn WiFi off on my phone and use verizon connection and works fine. Connection at my shop is fine.

    November 28, 2013 at 4:46 am #45538

    maybe Jimmo banned your IP address like Len did to me :whistle:

    November 28, 2013 at 5:25 am #45540

    [quote=”jeremyb” post=34127]For some reason I cant access the site now on my home connection. Even tried on my phone through WiFi and no dice. Turn WiFi off on my phone and use verizon connection and works fine. Connection at my shop is fine.[/quote]

    When did that start? I was tinkering a bit with a spam filter that may have prevented people from accessing earlier, let me know if it’s still blocked tomorrow and what kind of error message you are getting and from what ip adress (find out quick at . You can PM the details and I can hopefully get the support guys to look at the log and see whats going on. You can PM or email the details to

    November 28, 2013 at 5:42 am #45541

    First noticed last night. Thought it was just down buy still doing it. I.E says it can’t display the webpage. Chrome says it cannot connect.

    Thanks ding. :p

    November 28, 2013 at 5:59 am #45542

    I may have solved it on my end by changing my DNS servers. Seems to be working fine now.

    November 28, 2013 at 6:11 am #45543

    [quote=”jeremyb” post=34132]I may have solved it on my end by changing my DNS servers. Seems to be working fine now.[/quote]
    Ya, I got a new router and then I could get back on that other site :p

    November 29, 2013 at 9:57 pm #45565

    Good stuff, still waiting on that registration fix. Anyone looking to signup can do so by using FB login only right now! (it won’t post spam to your fb account)

    November 29, 2013 at 10:33 pm #45566


    November 29, 2013 at 11:44 pm #45567

    still getting alot of spam posts here

    November 30, 2013 at 12:09 am #45568

    I noticed this morning, I’ve just enabled the askimet api and increased some security settings….it’s amazing how many ip address’s get banned every hour. But hopefully that will stop the automated garbage…keep your fingers crossed.

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