Still Got Snow?

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  • April 5, 2009 at 5:11 am #13822

    well today my dad and I went up on the mountain in the backyard to see if the lookout up there. We had a blast up there and the best part was when dad lost his sled going across the clear cut on the way home :lol1 :woohoo: :woohoo: Right now we are at home cooking up some juicy ribeye steaks and mashed potatoes are done. Here are some pictures of the fun we had

    The top of the fence was about 8 feet high to give you an idea of how deep the snow was

    Dad cooling his sled down after 20 minutes so we had a beer

    Yeah we had tons of fun the best part is its in our backyard :cheer: I cant believe people pay good money to do this but it is good that dad didn’t hurt his sled then he would have to make a new thread about fixing up a 94 zc 700 😛

    April 5, 2009 at 5:31 am #13823

    old bondo b4 he tryed ta kill his sled:P 😛

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