What Spraying Equipment to get started
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- This topic has 14 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 6 months ago by Tyler Fuller.
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Myself the brother and father are thinking about getting spraying equipment to spray some cars.
Right now there’s my own car which I’d like to get sprayed somewhere down the line, my brother is nearly finished restoring an old mini which will need painting, my sister wants her mini a different colour and a mates mini (bit of a mini problem going on here) will need a respray also once my brother is finished fixing it up.
Because of all the cars that need spraying we got thinking about getting the equipment and doing it ourselves. To get 4 cars sprayed will cost a lot more than getting the equipment.
Dad (claims) he has spraying experience, from when he worked some place in the past, myself and the brother would also like to learn how to spray.
With that in mind what’s decent gear to get started? My brothers been talking about this system (electric I think) where the paint passes through the motor and gets heated up a little letting paint dry quicker, HVLP I think?
My thinking is to get a compressor which will come in handy for airtools, which dad has some of.
To get started, from the compressor to the gun whats recommend to get someone started? I’ve seen spray gun starting at around €60. From previous browsing I believe a 3HP compressor is a good start? And a tank upwards of 50L’s?
Hope someone can help out and give some advice.
AnonymousAugust 3, 2009 at 10:49 pm #15146Sounds like you’ve got a bit of work ahead of you. I’m not familiar with what system he could be talking about where the paint gets heated. The only thing I can think of is running the air lines with (i think) nitrogen which I think does what your describing. But at any rate HVLP refers to the type of gun your using (high volume low pressure) & I think all you should look into getting is a half descent compressor to run your tools/gun. if you can get a bit more info on what your brothers talking about I can have a look and let you know what I think but everyone I know of gets by with a compressor. I’m not much of an expert in compressors but I’m sure someone will be along with some advice for you.
I was pretty sure HVLP was the type of gun, but he’s convinced it wasn’t…
I asked him what he was talking about and it’s a [url=http://http://www.hvlpshop.co.uk/Apollo+Spraymate-p-3.html]Apollo Spraymate[/url] And if he were to go with something like it this [url=http://www.hvlpshop.co.uk/Apollo+Pro-spray+1500-p-1.html]Apollo Pro-spray 1500[/url] would be what he’s after.
The air gets heated in these from passing through the turbine, not the paint as I said in me previous post.
What do you think? I still think a compressor has more use than this thou….
AnonymousAugust 3, 2009 at 11:33 pm #15148It just looks like an electric compressor with an HVLP gun attatched to it. I don’t see how you’d be any better off with this opposed to a compressor, but I really don’t know much about them. I don’t see how heat would help you spraying since usually you get a better finish slowing your product down & I would imagine heated air would speed it up and maybe create more problems then anything. I’d stick with a compressor personally, like you said too it would be much more usefull for other things along the way.
I’ve put forward some of what was said above in trying to convince my brother to change his mind. All he keeps saying is did you see this guys car?? 😛
Where would I start with a compressor, what sort of spec should I be after? What about 2nd hand, anything to look out for?
Dad got his old spray guns back this evening, not sure what they are like. Don’t look like they were used for a long time…
Get the BIGGEST compressor you can. A used industrial unit (from a shop) is what i’d look for.
And with 4 cars, you’ll want at least 2 guns: one for primer and another for paint (base/clear or single stage).
Plus, you’ll want to get a rotary polisher with various pads and polishes.Make a list, check it twice and shop around!
Dad just wiped the dust of an old compressor we have here, it apparently used to blow fuses. The thing is still working anyway. I’ll take a pic of it and the guns later on.
As for a list:
Compressor (what HP motor, tank size?)
Paint Gun (Any recommendations?)
Primer Gun (Any recommendations?)
Rotary polisher & pads (this canl be used also for detailing a car or is that different gear?)
Pressure regulator (or is it called a reducer?)What else should be on the list?
Hows this for spec of a compressor:
With tools:
This would be my choices to get started actually I have all this equipment already except the air compressor I built 2 5hp 60 gallon Campbell housefield units and installed the Eaton 3 cylinder 18 cfm compressor pumps on them after one of the original Campbell housefeilds 11 cfm pumps blew up!Air compressor
http://www.eatoncompressor.com/catalog/item/504747/172983.htmAir dryer system
There are cheaper set ups! But I have this one it works goodPaint gun kits
This is a good set I have it
http://www.spraygunworld.com/products/DeVilbiss/KitGFG670MasterGTI.htmlPrimer gun
http://www.spraygunworld.com/products/DeVilbiss/Finishline%20III/DeVilbiss%20DEVFLGmaster.htmlRotary polisher
I have the Dewalt myselfAs with all suggestions take it with a grain of salt I have most of this equipment and it works good I did not buy all of it from these companies and neither should you! shop around for the best deals although that deal on the Paint guns will be very hard to beat! The other stuff you should be able to look around and find cheaper. As far as compressors go I wouldn’t look at anything smaller that 5 hp with at least a 60 gallon tank and a CFM rating of at Least 18 free air. and a Preference given too 7HP models 18cfm and up! But don’t get ripped off a lot of air compressor companies sell stuff with big claims the machines just cant back up!
My next Air Compressor will be purchased directly from Eaton. :exci
The Polisher another excellent choice would be a Makita.Have fun and Shop around remember cheap equipment is just that CHEAP! Usually cheap JUNK!
Buy good stuff the first time and forget buying it Twice except when it comes time too upgrade to better stuff!
You don’t want to be buying replacement equipment that breaks when your in the middle of doing something.No one suggested a DA for you either or what brand, I haven’t a clue so many out there so many choices to be made.
I am looking for new ones myself I don’t know if Hutchins are really worth the money or not? Probably are but there are a lot of other companies out there too much cheaper. http://www.tcpglobal.com/proautotools/prohut2.aspxThen there’s the different types and Brands of sandpaper and which is cheapest and Best buy for the money spent conversation always gets every ones attention.
This is not one of the cheaper Hobbies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But neither is Golf or Remote control planes or Racing
August 6, 2009 at 6:31 am #15190painted my first car with a craftsman 2 horse an one of those old siphon feed guns with the screw on cup an a gallon of synthol 😉
still going strong almost 20 yrs later 😛
[IMG]http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/jackcarlson1965/DCFN0003-3.jpg[/IMG]It’s obvious there’s no doing this on the cheap :cheer:
Didn’t go for that compressor, didn’t get anything yet infact.
Keep meaning to post up pics of what dad has. There’s a compressor, small and large spray gun, those yokes to take out moisture and I think thats it. Dad was playing around with the small gun. The compressor can feed enough air to do a bit of spraying, prob enough for a wing.
For the moment I’m not getting involved with it cause it’s only leading to domestic disputes 😛 Gonna leave it settle for a bit and show them what was suggested above when asked about it.
August 18, 2009 at 8:51 am #15404Notice online they have a hard time showing you the duty-cycle of anything other than the $2000+ compressors? haha
Speedaire 7.5hp $2199 25cfm @ 175psi… with 80% duty cycle… now turn that down to 100 psi with a long copper line… and you have a higher duty-cycle.. That can run long enough to paint an entire car.
This is a nice compressor IMHO:
For the price, that is a good compressor…
Ok good luck!
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